Thursday, November 29, 2007

Who cares for you...??

Yeah. Who cares for you..!!!, afterall its you.

You start walking in middle of the heavily traffic road. You don't want to even hav a look at the vehicles approaching to you. Coz you don't care them. It is obvious, that the riders also don't want to care you. Is this what you want to do without caring others...??

You finish your 10+2 study and think of continuing in XXX stream. Where the problem is there unless your parents want you to go through the ZZZ stream? So they’ll command you for ZZZ, so that problems can come. Its really more than sucking to you. But you have to compromise to their word. So you don’t want to care for your studies/parents, obviously your life will be screwed.
Is this the way you want your studies to be, by not caring to the providence?

You'll get job in an MNC with salary of 40000 + bucks. After few days of joining, you'll surrounded by so many crises, and you start not to care your boss. This way you'll be providing an opportunity to your boss to screw you. Who cares for you, after all you are his sub-ordinate. Is this the way you like your career to be?

You walk through the down-street of your city. You find one girl walking to you who looks so pretty. You say “Oh god..!! Thank you very much” (thanks to god) for making your day grand. You are not sure why you are feeling like loving her. But you’ll be already in love with her. You impress her by doing anything, what anyone else can’t think of doing (coz its bullshit). One day you’ll put forward your intentions to her.
Strange, she agreed up to be your mate (Gods must be crazy). What else you want, now you start wandering in the heaven instead of down-street. You daily amaze with your gifts, flowers and what not else? – Funny.
Now the snake pit is you start offering x,y,z her and in return looking for more – So silly.
Finally your crisis decides your destiny by breaking your relation.
Who cares for you, afterall you are one of her boy friends. Is this the way you love your love saga to be?

So finally think of Whom you caring, not who cares for you.
Atleast start caring for yourself, if no one is there to care for you.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Introducton to the stage

Well now it is all set for me to start my blogging career.
Let me introduce first. I'm the guy who don't like to even have a look at the blogs previously.
But When i saw my friend's blog, i found it as interesting as having parties in the weekend :-).
So I started thinking like why i can't post blog. Yes even i'm as bad as my friend.
Finally i decided to write a blog. But on what......?????
yeah, it is a damn question front of me where i'm confused, coz i don't have the answer.......!!!!
If you had a look my blog's title, it is "Pandu gaadi sollu". Pandu is my name ( means as cute as Fruit ). Sollu means expressing more than required. So i'm here to express not only what i want, even to express what i can't.
As my blog title indicates that i'm here to express, now i've choosen my blog subject as expressing things. Very big task. Offcourse i'm here who can make things easy.
Expressing thoughts is as complex as much it looks simple. It is very diffcult to express in a way that every one interprets in the same way.
There is a adage that "If I say that my second wife is beautiful, it'll be obviously gives the image that my first wife is not beautiful", even though we does'nt mean that.
So be clear & careful while expressing. It should just enough what we want to say and be cautious to be not more than that.
We people more fortunate than our ancestors, coz now we have many more ways to convey the things like mail, SMS, Cell phones..........
Be justified if you can't express in direct way to use these mediums.
Yeah, it's true that there are few which can be better expressed circuitously rather than directly. So don't balk to expresss in-directly, afterall it is a better way.
Some times expressing is nothing but "giving voice to feelings", so give tongue to what you think.